Fast Company’s Alan Webber summarizes nuggets of wisdom from his Rules of Thumb: 52 Truths for Winning at Business Without Losing Your Self (2009.)

Rule #39: “‘Serious fun’ isn’t an oxymoron; it’s how you win.” Yes, work is serious, the stakes are high, the standards demanding, the customers exacting, the boss unyielding. But things that are serious can also be fun. They’re fun when you bring an attitude of learning to work with you; they’re fun when you find the satisfaction of keeping a playful spirit in the middle of a tough assignment. If you are both serious about what you do, and have fun in the way you do it, you’ll find customers who appreciate you, bosses who respect you, and colleagues who enjoy you. You’ll keep growing as a person and as a business person—and if you ask me, that’s a pretty good way to play the game.

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