Daily Meaning Along with Their Daily Bread

Dave Murphy of the Stanford Business School summarizes a keynote speech by Isadore Sharp, founder of Four Seasons Hotels, He said employers often believe that workers value job security and competitive pay the most, but the Fortune best-places-to-work companies understand that job security is tentative in this economy, and other items are more important to […]

Did Obama Deserve the Peace Prize?

A summary by The Week writers, The struggles Obama is working to resolve—nuclear disarmament, nuclear proliferation, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict—have no solution yet. In fact, they might never be resolved, because “they are part of a world in constant evolution.” Obama’s genius is that he understands this. Rather than attacking each world crisis “according to the […]

As Much Love and Peace as You Want

Sereno Sky writes in Lonely Traveller (2014,) So basically, all you’d need is a little house with a vegetable garden close to nature. With as little materialism in your life as possible, but as much love and peace as you want. Sure, you can go fancy and materialistic, but then don’t complain later about an […]

COVID-19: Several Airlines That Will Fail

Emirates Airline’s Sir Tim Clark, in an interview with The National, Abu Dhabi, opines that that COVID-19 pandemic is upsetting the airline industry. Even with governments providing massive subsidies to airlines in the U.S. and Europe there will still be several airlines that will fail. “There wasn’t room for more consolidation,” he added. “State intervention […]

Designing for Homo Sapiens, Version 1.0

Alan Tatourian of the Life of Learning blog draws attention to designing products and services: A really very good interview with Bill Buxton from Microsoft Research. In it, Bill references a quote by Bill Hill, a digital typography pioneer and one of the inventors of Microsoft’s ClearType font display technology: I always talk about this […]

Boris Johnson: “Let’s leave our heritage broadly in peace”

Following the public clash over Winston Churchill’s statue in Parliament Square, Prime Minister Boris Johnson asserts in an op-ed in The Telegraph that the campaign to remove public monuments risks ‘distorting’ Britain’s past: Our history is immensely complex, and modern Britain is a product of a vast conglomerate of ideas and beliefs—not all of which […]

Christopher Hitchens on Jane Fonda and Born-Again Christians

Christopher Hitchens speaking on C-SPAN on January 14, 2000 about Jane Fonda becoming a born-again Christian: I thought it was a sad little story why well someone’s who’s getting old and a little bit silly and perhaps lacking for attention … I would thought it would have been content with being born once which … […]

The Main Purpose of Education

University of California, San Diego, cognitive scientist Philip Guo on the main purpose of education: The main purpose of education is to strengthen your mind so that you can more easily learn to deal with specific challenges you will face throughout your life. Even though you will forget most of what you learned in school, […]

Do it Yourself

Sereno Sky writes in Lonely Traveller (2014,) Happiness has a lot to do with 2 things: First we can choose positive thoughts over negative ones. And second, we can try to get out from shitty situations and away from negative people. But we can’t expect some person to come along and do all those things […]

Ben Baldanza on when the airline industry will recover after COVID-19

Former Spirit Airlines CEO Ben Baldanza, currently director of JetBlue and India’s GoAir, speaking of the airline industry’s recovery on CNBC’s Squawk Box: You don’t fill an airplane overnight. You have to have that booking curve … so four to six weeks before the flight starts you have to have very active bookings. So if […]