Moom Maam, described as Los Angeles’s sweet escape by BBC features correspondent Nicole Campoy Jackson, guarantees a delectably unforgettable experience. Tucked away like a hidden gem, this establishment boasts a tempting selection of refreshing treats ideal for cooling off in the California heat.

Sun Valley’s Wat Thai Temple hosts a weekend market withsome of the best Thai food in the city. Each week, the parking lot of the temple turns into an outdoor cafeteria, with stalls and tables on either end. The vendors and menus remain largely the same each week, and while they’re all popular and incredibly delicious, it’s Thai gelateria Moom Maam that has outgrown its one stall.

This beloved ice cream stand now also has a permanent spot at the wildly busy weekly Smorgasburg food market in Downtown LA; a second location for its bright, bold flavours to shine. Visitors may sample blue corn with caramel, uji matcha (green tea,) Thai tea, piña colada, fior di cocco (coconut blossom sugar) and The Special, “mango and coconut gelato with sticky rice in a crunchy bowl cone.”

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