Bob Chaundy’s BBC profile (c.2000) details how, in his teens, Ingvar Kamprad launched IKEA, capitalizing on post-war demand for affordable household goods, showcasing his remarkable foresight and resourcefulness, laying the foundation for future success:
By the age of 17 he had formed a small company to enable him to bid for a contract to supply pencils. Within five years he had set up a mail-order firm and was sending goods out with the daily milk round.
Soon afterwards, he snapped up a disused factory and began turning out furniture. His low prices undercut the cosy Swedish cartel of the time which imposed a boycott on Kamprad’s company in the late 1950s.
Kamprad responded by turning to Polish producers for inexpensive components that could be assembled at home from flat packs. The modern Ikea was born.
Now, its 140 outlets dispense its pastel paraphernalia throughout 29 countries.