From Peter Drucker’s The Five Most Imortant Questions – A Self Assessment Tool,
If you have more than five goals, you have none. You’re simply spreading yourself too thin. Goals make it absolutely clear where you will concentrate resources for results-the mark of an organization serious about success. Goals flow from mission, aim the organization where it must go, build on strength, address opportunity, and taken together, outline your desired future.
Here is an example of the vision, mission, and goals for an art museum.
Vision: A city where the world’s diverse artistic heritage is prized and whose people seek out art to feed their mind and spirit.
Mission: To bring art and people together.
Goal 1: To conserve the collections and inspire partnerships to seek and acquire exceptional objects.
Goal 2: To enable people to discover, enjoy, and understand art through popular and scholarly exhibitions, community education, and publications.
Goal 3: To significantly expand the museum’s audience and strengthen its impact with new and traditional members.
Goal 4: To maintain state-of-the-art facilities, technologies, and operations.
Goal 5: To enhance long-term financial security.
Building around mission and long-term goals is the only way to integrate shorter-term interests.