HBR’s summary article on the importance of getting a cultural mentor when joining a new company:

We often assume that if we’re successful at one company, we’ll easily succeed at another. But it can be jarring to join a new organization with a very different culture. One way to ease the transition is to find a cultural mentor: someone who can help you interpret and navigate the implicit codes of the new culture. Look for a person who has a deep understanding of your new company, wants you to succeed, and doesn’t have an overt political agenda that could cause them to give you biased information. This might be a former employee you know through social or professional circles, or a respected colleague in another office or department.

Observe the nuances of your new culture carefully to ensure you don’t repeat your mistakes and damage your ability to succeed at your new job.

Full article: Dorie Clark’s “Navigating a New Job with a Very Different Culture”

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