Deng Xiaoping on Mao Zedong

British journalist Michael Rank, who served in China in the 1980s, wrote in the Guardian: Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci’s interview with Deng Xiaoping was one of the revealing ever of any Chinese leader by any western journalist (apart from Mao Zedong and Edgar Snow in the 1930s.) Deng told Fallaci how Mao “did not readily […]

COVID-19: The Airline Industry Will Shrink

Emirates Airline’s Sir Tim Clark, in an interview with The National, Abu Dhabi, opines that that COVID-19 pandemic is upsetting the airline industry, with airlines facing significant risk despite government intervention. He feels that the airline industry will shrink 20%—30% and carriers should write off the summer, “We have just got to accept that in […]

A Celebration: W. H. Auden at Sixty

The American poet John Hollander wrote in his essay “Auden at Sixty” in the July 1967 issue of the Atlantic Monthly, It is hard to think of another writer in English the progress of whose lustra—those five-year periods by which the Romans marked out life’s phases or stages—would seem to matter so much. It is […]

No Obsessing Over Mistakes

Charlie Munger at the 2019 Daily Journal Meeting: We can all go back and make some decision better. But it’s the nature of things. You’re going to blow one occasionally. My general idea is, there’s no point in fretting too much about what you can’t fix.

Mistaken Perception

Cognitive scientist and author Guy Claxton writes in The Heart of Buddhism: Practical Wisdom for an Agitated World (1999): Buddhism does not tell you to pull your socks up and be nicer to everybody, nor does it wag a stern finger at you when you behave badly or thoughtlessly. The fundamental problem is not of […]

Impermanence is the Nature of Everything

Kagyu Lama Khandro Rinpoche writes in Buddha’s Daughters: Teachings from Women Who Are Shaping Buddhism in the West (2014): When we look back, at the time of death, the experience of this life will seem like a dream. And – just as with our nighttime dreams – it will seem useless to have put so […]

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Monumental Institutional Failure

Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen’s short essay on unpreparedness and the Coronavirus pandemic: Every Western institution was unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic, despite many prior warnings. This monumental failure of institutional effectiveness will reverberate for the rest of the decade, but it’s not too early to ask why, and what we need to do about it. […]

Nothing Prepares You Like Actual Work Experience

There’s nothing better to help prepare for an entrepreneurial experience than actually getting a taste of what will experience actually be like. Entrepreneur Amir Khella reflects, So I attended events, meetups, conferences, and mingled with the local startup community in Seattle. When time came to move to the Bay Area, I found even more events, […]

Thank you & Leadership Crisis Management Message Template

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson left hospital on 12-Apr-2020, Sunday, after being treated for Covid-19, but will not immediately return to work. He had three nights in intensive care before returning to a ward on Thursday. He thanked the NHS “for saving my life”: … It’s hard to find the words to express my debt—but […]

A Salute to World War II Veterans

The Washington Post‘s op-ed columnist Michael Gerson writes, People who fought in World War II were marinated in the ideas that evil is real and that American power is an essential, irreplaceable force for good. They intuitively understood the moral narrative of Munich, Buchenwald, D-Day, Hiroshima, NATO, and the twilight struggle. And they generally shared […]