Berkshire Hathaway Stays Cautious Amid Coronavirus Crisis

After the 2020 Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, Andrew Ross Sorkin of the New York Times comments about Warren Buffet’s warnings not to be overconfident in predicting what the future might hold: What is driving Mr. Buffett’s caution? In truth, he has always been cautious. He has always been more willing to lose out on an […]

A Good Question Beats a Good Answer

Fast Company’s Alan Webber summarizes nuggets of wisdom from his Rules of Thumb: 52 Truths for Winning at Business Without Losing Your Self (2009.) Rule #10: “A good question beats a good answer.” You don’t have to have all the answers. But you can make an enormously valuable contribution by asking good questions. When others […]

Greenlight Capital’s Inflation Bet

David Einhorn’s Greenlight Capital has been positioning his portfolio in anticipation of rising inflation. CNBC notes that “the hedge fund has recently added to a number of large equity stakes poised to benefit from higher prices in different corners of the economy.” From Greenlight’s recent investor letter, We believe the market groupthink that profitless growth […]

Christopher Hitchens on Jerry Falwell’s Demise

On 15-May-2007, Christopher Hitchens on the Anderson Cooper 360 show talking about Reverend Jerry Falwell and his death: Cooper: Christopher, I’m not sure if you believe in heaven, but, if you do, do you think Jerry Falwell is in it? Hitchens: No. And I think it’s a pity there isn’t a hell for him to […]

Boy, Does Joe Biden Give Good Gaffe!

Black Entertainment Television (BET) co-founder Robert Johnson criticized presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden who recently claimed on The Breakfast Club podcast, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”: VP Biden’s statement today represents the arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who […]

Daily Meaning Along with Their Daily Bread

Dave Murphy of the Stanford Business School summarizes a keynote speech by Isadore Sharp, founder of Four Seasons Hotels, He said employers often believe that workers value job security and competitive pay the most, but the Fortune best-places-to-work companies understand that job security is tentative in this economy, and other items are more important to […]

Did Obama Deserve the Peace Prize?

A summary by The Week writers, The struggles Obama is working to resolve—nuclear disarmament, nuclear proliferation, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict—have no solution yet. In fact, they might never be resolved, because “they are part of a world in constant evolution.” Obama’s genius is that he understands this. Rather than attacking each world crisis “according to the […]

As Much Love and Peace as You Want

Sereno Sky writes in Lonely Traveller (2014,) So basically, all you’d need is a little house with a vegetable garden close to nature. With as little materialism in your life as possible, but as much love and peace as you want. Sure, you can go fancy and materialistic, but then don’t complain later about an […]

COVID-19: Several Airlines That Will Fail

Emirates Airline’s Sir Tim Clark, in an interview with The National, Abu Dhabi, opines that that COVID-19 pandemic is upsetting the airline industry. Even with governments providing massive subsidies to airlines in the U.S. and Europe there will still be several airlines that will fail. “There wasn’t room for more consolidation,” he added. “State intervention […]

Designing for Homo Sapiens, Version 1.0

Alan Tatourian of the Life of Learning blog draws attention to designing products and services: A really very good interview with Bill Buxton from Microsoft Research. In it, Bill references a quote by Bill Hill, a digital typography pioneer and one of the inventors of Microsoft’s ClearType font display technology: I always talk about this […]